Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sleep Till Noon...

Although I have already started working for more than a month, I still can't seem to wake up early enough to go to work. What a lazy butt!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ive League Weekend

Had a chance to tour three Ive League schools this weekend:
First walked around Princeton campus. Then drove down to Philly and saw the U Penn campus. Drove back up to CT the next day to see Yale.
Felt like a high school student looking for schools that I can only dream to attend.

Princeton is just... so suburban.... so boring and quiet (good for studying...)
U Penn feels like UCLA, right in the middle of the town...
New Haven, CT, where Yale is located, is adorable! Feels like Berkeley in some ways.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do I Belong Here?

With 60% Ph.D. population, 30% M.S. crowd, and 9.9% current M.S. student, I am the least educated...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Phase

Before any of my babbling begins, I would like to congratulation all my friends who have just gone through their graduation ceremonies !!!!!

Although I wasn't able to attend, my heart was with you , exhilarated!
This cartoon was basically the highlight of my phone conversation with Bryan, a ChemE friend of mine.
(It was a couple weeks back. Thank God I am not so gloomy now. )

Actually, I miss Bryan and Kevin for their fantastic cooking and the delivious food they served. Now I appreciate it so much because I have to cook for myself. It was so great having them cook for Matt, Hang, Patrick, and I every other day last semester! I wish I was at their graduation.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Roommate

I guess my roommate shouldn't be a mystery. Her name is Donna.
She's beautiful and sophisticated! But her wild side makes her so interesting as well. Her boyfriend Erik(on the left) is so nice and funny. They are the cutest!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Dog

My roommate's friend recently left her cutie dog at our place. The dog's name is Naomi and she's only 12 lbs. She's already 2 years old, but still the biggest pain on the rear. Guess what, she makes me rethink getting a pet...

I am drawing these comic strips on my spare time.

The last entry was a seminar I went to at work. Merck is largely research based, so there are many seminars every week, like how it is at college. We are free to pick the ones we are interested in attending. It just happened that the Ochem one seemed like a great help to the clueless souls, such as myself...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It's Just You

It is the period of time when nothing seems relavent at all, not even your own wellbeing. But, who's gonna take care of you if you don't take care of yourself? Be Strong, and it will pass! You are the one you need to rely on.

Monday, May 7, 2007

That Time of Life

Wow... it's that time of life already? If you know what I am talking about... it's the M word, marriage.
My best friends from middle school are having their wedding in Jan, 2008. (note, both the bride and the groom are my friends)
Just now, my cousin told me she's having her wedding in the same month! OMG!!!! I got to be her bridesmaid, or perhaps maid of hornor! Wow... how exciting!!!
I can't stop smiling...
hahaha... it's my time to shred some pounds and fit in a nice bridesmaid gown... lol...
or maybe it's time for me to find a husband-to-be... =P

Thursday, May 3, 2007


There is usally no need to cook because I am the only one eating. My stomach can't lie. When it's hungry, it'll let me know. So, I do occasionally make small dishes for myself.

I made some pastas, some salads, and some salmon bread dishes. Although they could, they were not made for the same meal.

Since the trip, I am no longer restricted on food choices. It's not like I eat much meat, I just don't declare to anyone any more. I try to avoid having to explain to people.

I made chicken salad for sharing with my roommate, besides that, I haven't had much other meat. Carbs are still my top choice.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


It went on and off raining these few weeks. I felt like I had gone through winter, spring, and summer in just 3 weeks.

I get quite sentimental when it rains. I miss friends in California. I really don't miss home though. My parents are in Hong Kong now, so they are literally in the other side of the world from me!

Rain reminds me of Paris. I am not bragging. It's just what I am feeling right now. the gloomy feeling of it all.