Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stubborn or Old-Fashioned?

This annoying lady at the gym is so creepy. Her hair is from the 80's and she just acts so full of herself. I usually feel very disgusted by her at the gym. Sigh... That's the me that can't stand other people. What can possibly make me so disgusted? It's just her hair. I have bad hair days too... (well, not bad hair years...)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Umn.. I Am Happy, For No Reason

I contribute it to the elevated level of endophine I acquire from exercises. *wink* *wink*

I've been trying to run a 5K for Breast Cancer Fund Raising, so the effect of all those sweat sessions is miraculous. I still cannot finish the 5K in one shot, but I can easily run it in a couple of intervals. Well, at least I am trying, and I hope it'll do some good, to me and to the research fund.

Anyhow, I am in love with the kick-boxing class, more precisely BODY COMBAT as they called in the gym. I can't resist the temptation of punching (someone or just the air). I am seriously considering taking a real boxing class.

Oh.... the spring here in the east coast is gorgeous!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What is Going on?

I haven't written any complaints or feeling on this blog for a while. I wonder if i've become more amenable, more taciturn, or just more apathetic.

***It's strange. As we age, things that seemed to matter suddenly becomes insignificant.

I used to think I really loved him. I couldn't get over him no matter what I did. Eventually, his shadow just turned into a blur in my memory. I even dreamed about him a few times, and we were happy in my dreams. But then I would realize the next day that I didn't miss him; I merely missed the good times we had spent together. He's no longer my "dream man".

***"If you don't like something the way it is, change it." --B.L.

A friend used to encourage me with that phrase. I like the passion and inititive it delivers. I am working on it. Trust me, I'll do it.

***Never try to please your mother, because you can never do it" --Steven Chu, Nobel Laureate

It always bothers me when I think of how much my parents want me to be with them. It's at the point where I think I am their property. I don't quite understand their love. Is it their loneliness? Or is it their manipulative nature? Why do they never let me grow up? I already feel horrible enough that I act like an inmature child all the time. Why do they need to spin the guilt card to make me feel even worse about myself?