Monday, January 28, 2008

My Trip to China

Some couple pictures... hehe.. they are so cute. From top down: my middle school friends, my cousin and his gf, my cousin and her husband, my cutie niece.

It was a dreamy vacation. I enjoyed the companies, my friends and family. What's more to life than being with people you love and love you back?

Hong Kong, night view. The first time I saw the night view from Victoria's peak even though I have been to Hong Kong so many times.I finally had a chance to go to Macau.

My super aunt. She's so awesome and diligent. Her husband, my uncle, is already a millionaire, but she still farms and cleans up the house like she's always been. What a superwoman!

My Gramma loves the koi fish we have in the house. But my uncle is so concerned that gramma feeds too much to the thousand-dollar worthed koi fish. haha... Gramma's so so so cute!

I love Mah-jong, so my cousins played with me at home, whenever I wanted to. They are so sweet!

My cousin's wedding. She was so gorgeous! what a cheerful time!

Hangzhou XiHu (west lake). It was beautiful!

SuZhou, the so-called "Venice of the Eastern World".

Last but not least, having fun in Shanghai's street, trying to look for cute girls to take pictures for us.