Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sweet Thanksgiving

Ensenada, Mexico, a coastal city 70 miles south of the border between U.S. and Mexico, is a somewhat Americanized city. Its beauty is insignificant, but its entertainment redeems its pride.

Anyway, the cruise turned out to be quite awesome and relaxing. I think my parents had too much fun to scrutinize and criticize everything I do; hence, I really enjoyed myself.

A trip to the Mexican land by cruise:
Boarding the cruise in Long Beach, CA.

Formal night on the ship. Dad looks super handsome! lol...

The background is the "Blowhole" near Ensendana. Unfortunately it was low tie, no water shooting up the hole.

My sweet mango margarita. Their legal drinking age is 18. But regardless, I am not underage any more.

The delicious loster. Don't you see, I can't even notice my Dad took an eating shot of me. Luckily I was still showing some manner there.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

"Why don't you draw with color?"

I tried.

It doesn't feel right.

The world of black-and-white is more "me".


I got commissioned by my department senior staffs to draw for a presentation slide for our departmental meeting .

How flattering!


Departmental meetings usually result in clustering of people, more or less by the years of experience and expertise.

Newbies like the back, because 1) know almost nothing to contribute to discussions; 2) have the best eye sights; 3) quiet conversions won't be heard; 4) sleeping is permitted!


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007